About Ms. Merrill

Hello and welcome!

I am Dana Merrill - artist, teacher, and founder of Ms. Merrill Makes!

Ms. Merrill Makes originally started as a Youtube Channel that I created during the pandemic to make visual art more accessible to my students and their families. After many years teaching art in schools, this experience showed me how so many engaging arts experiences can exist outside of a traditional classroom setting.

Since my childhood, I have always loved to create art. A passion for art runs in my family and was nurtured in me from a young age. From my personal experience making art as well as my first hand knowledge teaching art in schools, I continue to see the many benefits and positive growth that occur when individuals are given opportunities to create, explore, and express themselves through the arts.

As a California licensed teacher with a BA in Fine arts and a Master’s Degree in education, as well as a decade of experience instructing art in public schools, I am excited to bring art to your home or work place.

Please check out my service offerings to find which arts experience best fits your needs. I hope to make art with you very soon!

Here are photos of me painting from my childhood, and me as an adult, surrounded by some of my favorite art projects I’ve taught.